Rising People’s Party
For Freedom and Democracy
About Us
Rising People's Party
We, members present on this day the 2nd of October, 2020, hereby, declare the formation of a political party by the name Rising People’s Party.
Resolved to establish a political paradigm that defines Power with Morality, a social order that upholds Justice for all and Equality before law, a civic governance that is based on Accountability and Transparency, and a citizenry that is aware of its Rights and respects its Obligations.
Guided by the ‘Theology’ and ‘Vision Statement’ of The Naga Rising, the party shall stand and serve to accomplish the purpose and goals for which is it created as a solemn duty before God and the People.
“Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless. Speak for them and be a righteous judge. Protect the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31: 8-9

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Press Release / Events / Campaign
DUDA is the pocket-money department of Nagaland government
Under the Underdeveloped Area Programme (UDAP) and Border Area Development Programme (BADP), the central government is pumping in colossal amount of funds every year for
RPP will monitor implementation of CSS
With regard to the amount sanctioned by the Tribal Affairs Ministry for the various developmental projects pertaining to 2020-21, the Rising People’s Party appeals to
People’s Report on implementation of CSS
A month back the Rising People’s Party had sought people’s report on anomalies in implementation of central projects (centrally Sponsored Schemes) pertaining to the year
Government should functionalize the Forest Colony Shopping Complex
On 9th June 2011 at the State Planning Board meeting held at the Chief Minister’s office, decision was taken to construct “Shopping Complex and Parking
Part 2: Women Empowerment through Administrative Reforms
In the month of March, 2021, the UPSC sought applications from “talented and motivated Indian nationals willing to contribute towards nation building” for “lateral entry”
- Orange: It symbolizes strength and endurance with high visibility.
- Beige: It is the colour that signifies UNITY.
- Teal: It is the colour of mental and spiritual balance.