/ / Philosophy behind the formation of the Rising People’s Party

Philosophy behind the formation of the Rising People’s Party

The Rising People’s Party is a people’s party in the truest sense. The nomenclature of the party encompasses the emerging discourse of the Naga people voicing out and rising up against injustice owing to misgovernance in the state. The party is the logical outcome of the sense of injustice and represents the hope and aspiration of the Naga people for real change. The other political parties having failed to provide good governance to the people, finding solution to the rot in the system lies with each and every one of us, and therefore like-minded individuals have come together to form the party.

The party stands for “For Freedom and Democracy” as our motto states. In our present context, our people want freedom from misgovernance and injustice and a democracy where election is clean and impartial; where the voices of the grassroots are heard; where women are truly empowered; where elected leaders are accountable to the people and where a person is not deprived of her/his rights because of nepotism.

The party believes in 4 core principles, namely;

  1. Good governance – We believe in governance which is beyond dispensing the monthly salary of government employees. Good governance includes the fight against corruption; the creation of a merit based society; and the emergence of a culture of accountability and transparency in governance itself.
  2. Women and youth empowerment – A core belief of the RPP is that women in politics and in positions of influence in governance will help in bringing down corruption in the state. This is apart from the fact that women constitute almost 50% of the State’s population and they deserve to be heard whether in elected bodies or through their participation in the development process.
  3. Rule of law – It means that the prevalent khushi-khushi culture in all forms has to be curbed. The party is for the emergence of a new social order.
  4. Creation of a self-reliant economy – The first aspect is that Nagaland state is not a private limited company to be looted at will. Secondly, we have to move beyond the present hand-to-mouth economy to an economy where a thriving business middle-class emerges. We believe in building an economic foundation where the farmers and agriculturists and entrepreneurs become the engine of growth for the state replacing the salaried economy of the present. Thirdly, it’s time Naga people control the economy of the state. We believe in a self-reliant Nagaland where hard work shall provide for all our needs. For this reason and others, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the apostle of self-reliance and non-violence was chosen to adopt the party constitution in 2020.

The Rising People’s Party is the party of the grassroots. It is committed to bringing back decency and morality in politics. We believe we can create an electoral revolution and usher in a “New Nagaland.”