/ / Facts related to RPP

Facts related to RPP

(for RPP members only)

  1. Significance of the nomenclature Rising People’s Party
    • The name encompasses the emerging discourse of the Naga people voicing out and rising up against injustice owing to misgovernance in the state. The party is the logical outcome of the sense of injustice and represents the hope and aspiration of the Naga people for real change.
  2. Significance of the motto “For Freedom and Democracy”
    • The notions of ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ have given everyone the right to imagine and the right to live with dignity as a fellow human being. In our present context, our people want freedom from misgovernance and injustice and a democracy where election is clean and impartial; where the voices of the grassroots are heard; where women are truly empowered; where elected leaders are accountable to the people and where a person is not deprived of her/his rights because of nepotism.
  3. Colour significance in the RPP flag
    • Orange symbolizes strength and endurance with high visibility.
    • Beige is the colour that signifies UNITY.
    • Teal is the colour of mental and spiritual balance.
  4. Why the necessity for another regional party?
    • The issue is not about the emergence of another regional party. It is about whether political parties elected to run government – be it regional and national – have provided good governance to the people. The answer is no. Hence, finding solution to the rot in the system lies with each and every one of us and a few like-minded individuals have come together to form the party.
  5. What are the main focus areas of the party?
    • Good governance
    • Women and youth empowerment
    • Rule of law
    • Creation of a self-reliant economy
  6. Is RPP an ACAUT in another avatar?
    • Not necessarily, but yes many serving and former leaders of ACAUT and adherents of its philosophy are with the party to work together to bring about real transformation that our people want and so it is a people’s party in the truest sense.
  7. Is TNR now a political party?
    • The RPP is the political wing of TNR. The TNR exists as a think tank and it will continue to raise and highlight issues of public interest as it has been doing in the past.
  8. Position of RPP with regard to women empowerment?
    • Women constitute almost 50% of the State’s population and they deserve to be heard whether in elected bodies or in their participation in the development process.
      The RPP also acknowledges the unique social milieu in Nagaland. Nevertheless, we believe that mindsets must change. The RPP will advocate for dialogue among all stakeholders and also create awareness on the need to build a more just society.
      The RPP therefore is very firm in our stand in support of women empowerment, including in elective bodies and their inclusion in decision making processes. On its part the RPP will be giving more opportunities for women leaders to play a more proactive role even at the party level as we believe in putting in place an inclusive approach to women empowerment that goes beyond legal quotas.