/ / / Utilize GST funds to complete the Foothill Road Project

Utilize GST funds to complete the Foothill Road Project

The Rising People’s Party appreciates the NFHRCC for forcing the government to wake up from its deep slumber. As we all know the government was pretending to sleep on the Foothill Road issue but the ultimatum from the committee which was supported by every CSOs and student organizations managed to jolt the government.

While the amount of Rs. 20 Cr accorded for the construction of the bridge over Doyangand other works is welcome, the government should not always give the lack of funds excuse. After the implementation of GST in the state in 2017, the revenue of the state government has increased exponentially. So why not use the GST revenue to finish the Foothill Road project instead of going to Delhi with begging bowl at every given opportunity? The Rising People’s Party is doubtful that the central government will finance the Foothill Road project after the failed report card given by NITIAyog. The NITI Ayog report has severely dented the state’s image and the state government’s vigorous protests that Nagaland is not last in the table does not hold water because a failed report card is what it is, a failed report card.

In the meantime, the RPP would like to make it very clear that our crowd funding campaign will go on. The general public may take note that all the money raised through this campaign will be handed over to the appropriate authority. The money being raised through milaap.org platform is transparent and there is no chance of the funds being misutilised by the RPP as alleged by some attention-seekers.

Issued by Rising People’s Party

11th September