As part of its tour of Nagaland programme, the Rising People’s Party led by its President Joel Naga visited Zani village in Dimapur district on the 31st July, and Wokha town and Tseminyu town on the 28th August to sensitize the people on the aims and objectives of the Rising people’s Party and as an obligation to the citizens of Nagaland to create awareness about the present system of mis-governance prevailing in our State.

The RPP team visited Zani Village accompanied and escorted by the Chakesang RidersClub.         The convenor of the five villages’ road committee Mr. Vechizo Dozo emphasised and shared their frustrations on the numerous problems faced by the citizens due to the pathetic condition of the village road – which is also the road leading to the New Naga Cemetary, neglected by the government for the last 50 years. The leaders requested the RPP to highlight their issues regarding the pathetic road condition to the authorities.

Interactive meetings at Wokha town and Tseminyu town were held on the 28th of August 2021 where a 20 member strong RPP team had a fruitful session at both the venues. After a brief introduction of its core Principles and visionsthe RPPteam had an interactive discussion with the participants, where issues related to our present political system, need for changes, Christian ethics and value, practice of unclean elections, etc. were discussed. The participants also encouraged the RPP to stand true to its manifestos and to let God take over in every issue that it might face.

Later on, the RPP headed for the second interactive session at Tseminyu town. The Hall at Tseminyu was packed with Intellectuals, entrepreneurs, farmers, elders, women and youth alike.      Leaders of the party made it clear that the RPP is not against any political party or political leaders but against the present System of mis-governance. The leaders of RPP further stressed on the need for a movement such as the RPP with its vision and principle with God at the core of the party. A new Nagaland focussed on freedom, democracy, ethics, women empowerment, development, economic sustainability and progress was mooted. The session ended with a short and informative interaction among the participants, followed by a mass prayer and dinner prepared by the coordinating team at Tseminyu.


Issued by Rising People’s Party

30th August 2021