/ / / Nagaland Assembly should pass a resolution on Nagaland-Assam border issue

Nagaland Assembly should pass a resolution on Nagaland-Assam border issue

Since the Monsoon Session of the Nagaland Assembly is starting, the RPP would like to apprise the honourable MLAs that the time is now to pass a resolution in the assembly requesting the GoI to amend the State of Nagaland Act 1962 so that the state boundary is delineated as per Point 12 of the 16 Point Agreement thus fulfilling the long felt aspirations of the Naga people.

While the Nagaland Home Minister and the state government is appreciated for diffusing the tension in Tsurangkong sector through the recently signed MoU with Assam, the RPP would like to convey to our Naga lawmakers that this MoU is simply a stop-gap arrangement to usher temporary peace in this sector.

Permanent peace will arrive only when the Civil Suit 2 filed by Assam in the SC in 1988 is first withdrawn by itand a tri-partite political negotiation takes place between the GoI, Assam and Nagaland. Since this option is ruled out for now due to Assam’s arrogance, the only option left for the Nagas is to appeal directly to the GoI.

The Indian Parliament can unilaterally alter the boundary of any state as per Article 3 and 4 of the Constitution. Therefore, it is very important that all the 60 lawmakers of the 13th Legislative Assembly pass a unanimous resolution requesting the GoI to amend the State of Nagaland Act 1962 by incorporating all the ancestral Naga-lands in Assam – including the areas under DAB, into our fold. Such an amendment in the parliament will fulfill Point 12 of the 16-Point Agreement. As raised by UNTABA, this option has never been pursued by the Nagaland government till date. The RPP wishes to convey that a unanimous resolution such as this will have the support of every section of Naga society.

The RPP also condemns the economic blockade imposed against the tribal state of Mizoram by Assam.


Issued by the Rising People’s Party
