/ / / Blatant mismanagement related to construction of 300 bedded COVID Hospital

Blatant mismanagement related to construction of 300 bedded COVID Hospital

The Rising People’s Party visited the under construction 300 bedded COVID hospital at CIHSR on the 7th August 2021.  After having inspected the site, there is absolutely no doubt that the construction of the COVID hospital is mired in corruption as pointed out by Hon’ble MLA Imkong L. Imchen and the NPF Legislature Party (NPFLP).

Any decent construction engineer can certify that the CIVIL construction of a 2 (two) storied, 45,000 sq ft building in Dimapur can be done easily within 10 Cr. With the Rs. 30 Cr sanctioned amount, the RPP is clear-cut in its opinion that Rio’s government could have constructed at least 2 (two) 300 bedded hospitals – 600 beds in total, with at least one hospital provisioned for eastern Nagaland. The unfortunate reality is that arrogance, corruption and lip service to eastern Nagas has killed off this opportunity.

The Hon’ble MLA Imkong L. Imchen raised some very pertinent points which the RPP would like to reteirate, namely:

  1. Why tender was not floated for the construction of the COVID hospital?
  2. Is Glocal Healthcare involved in the construction of the hospital? According to its website, Glocal Healthcare is many things but a construction firm.
  3. Under which expenditure head is the construction of the hospital being sourced?
  4. Why was this project conceived and implemented in a hush-hush manner, without discussion in the Cabinet?

These are some of the points which the PDA government should clarify immediately. The RPP would like to request the oldest regional party, the NPF, to follow up the issue from within the government since it was the first to raise the issue. If the RPP is not mistaken, the NPF has already submitted a memorandum to His Excellency R.N. Ravi, the Governor of Nagaland, to give his assent for prosecution sanction. It is important that the public are not misled.

Issued by the Rising People’s Party

August 10 2021